Thursday, November 17, 2005

Full moon, shopping etc

Tridaddy is an amateur photographer (aren't we all to some degree or another) and he enjoys taking pictures of the moon.
Now if I can just get him to focus on the right one, I might actually get my "4 phases" photos that I want to frame for the living room. (did I say amatuer, or immature?)

If you think that's a little too racy, imagine my surprise when I clicked on my

Bolder site only to discover that while P. Dawg was away this summer some perverse little blogophile took over his original site. I kept his link in my sidebar to remember to pray for him and now he's back-with a new blog name. I'll make the changes asap. While I'm at it, I plan to add more links to my side bar-if you want a feature in the link field email me your site. It takes me about a day to do one when I have to cut and paste-since this paste has no taste, it's no fun.

Speaking of eating paste, my training yesterday had zero effect on an Ironman outcome, other than sheer mental endurance. Come along for the ride:

8:10 shuttle to E1 with Kid 2, 3-drop off
8:35 home-take care of K1 who is home with stomach flu. Haul wood, build fire, do dishes, fold 4 loads laundry and add to previous 12 loads, sweep floors, clean bathroom
10:35 feed K4, K1 still feels sick
11:00 shuttle K4 to E2-drop off
11:30 arrive back at E1 for recess duty. Temp 17, windchill minus 8. Windchill only counts when you're in the wind, short straw me, I walk the soccer field and woods, I get wind chill. We had ice, so body sliding across the infield is sport of choice.
1:15 return to car-can't feel my fingers, nose, or toes-isn't it January yet? A day wrapped in tinfoil on the equator sounds nice right now.
1:30 stop by home, check on K1 barf status-no barf, still sick
1:35 arrive back at E2 to help paint hand turkeys. What is a Thanksgiving without hand turkeys. Sorry craft did not entail paste, no snack today kids. However I did fianlly peg that detail that has itched at the back of my mind-that smell what is it? It's gas. Why do kindergarten rooms always smell post digestive? Social graces must be taught in first grade.
2:35 hands clean off to grocery store. If you buy 3 pre formed dinner rolls in a can you get a pound of butter free. We don't eat canned preformed dinner rolls, but grandpa shopper convinced me you can't pass up a free pound of butter. Rolls anyone?
3:10 return home-nurse K1 with gingerale, throw bags on kitchen floor
3:20 p/u K4 at bus stop
3:30 return to E1 p/u K2 and K3 plus friend
4:00 make a move rush hour driving-arrive in downtown, drop off friend K3 and K4
4:30 more make a move, travel with K2 to furniture store #12 to look yet again for chairs. Overturned crates are starting to appeal right now.
5:00 "If someone scares you 1/2 to death are you really dead?"
5:01 No, you're still 1/2 alive. You only die when you are scared to death.
5:05 Third grade philosophy lesson ends.
6:05 After working with super great leather sales person, encounter woeful "other" chair salesperson. Other salesperson is in midlife crisis with new puppy, new boyfriend, new home...................
6:20 Finally-she breathes. I need a new chair.
6:22 "I need a new chair too..................finances..........not meeting sales quotas..........
6:30 breaking back to helpful leather salesperson
7:30 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (no disrespect intended towards Handel) Shopping finally accomplished!
7:45 Stop at wine store thankful there is a "q" in liquor or the alphabet game might have ended poorly. "V" vodka, "Z" zinfandel and we're out the door.
8:00 home at last.
8:10 the stale cookie at furniture store did not equate to satisfying dinner-stoke fire, make soft tacos, open wine
8:30 tuck K1,2,3,4 into bed
9:00 good night


Tracy said...

Gaaaahhhhaaaaaa! That schedule is going to totally prep you for Florida.

And I discovered the same Bolder link on Chris' site - it was weird at first because the first link on the Bolder "Other's" site was called "IMLive", so I clicked that thinking, oh, another tri site (guess I should have looked at the very NOT tri-related link under it first), and we'll just say that yeah, it wasn't the IMLive site I was thinking it was. Pass the mental floss please.

Hollyfish said...

Whew!! I was exhausted just reading that. You are super mom, to say the least!! you're right, total mental endurance. Glad there was no meltdown from anyone throughout... stay warm... :)

Cliff said...

Crazy...I would ride 112 miles and run 26.2 miles over doing that anyday...

The (IRON) Clyde said...

What, no time for a workout?


I use to be a rabid mooner, don't know why, but I think it's funny......good thing I grew out of that stage, well at least until a few brews hit me......


I'd say that's quite an amazing day and no triathlon is a match for that! I'm exhausted just reading about it! From the pic it also appears you've successfully attained the gluteus minimus for which I've been searching. Excellent job!

TriZilla said...

Holy cow. After reading that, I need a nap! :) Oh, yeah, and nice pics (where did you get those jeans!? They look FABULOUS)

Spandex King said...

Beware of The Vertical Man following you in The Rock&Roll Marathon.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

so I'm not the only one that posts "butt" shots on their blog.

Born To Endure said...

All of us need to post our "moon" shots..:-))

Comm's said...

There is sure a lot of comments, what was written after the pictures?

Julie B said...

Oh too funny! I love the moons..both of them. What a day you had; I have two boys, not 4, but feel like I have had that day before. Run run run. And not the good kind! I hope you enjoyed the tacos and wine.

Bolder said...

oh my! now, i understand why i couldn't get my orginal blog back and had to rename the URL!

um, is one of the four phases a 'new moon'? or, "You don't get an ass like this playing checkers" as Wil's T-shirt says!

Fe-lady said...

Your day was much more than mental endurance my dear! You put in some real physical stuff too...hauling wood, sliding around on the playground. I have always said that my running around after children at work (I am an educator) has prepared me in more ways than one for my triathlons! (A day just for yourself racing feels like a vacation!)
And thanks for stopping by my site and commenting! I am glad someone is reading this stuff besides my husband! (My daughter thinks it's boring...but plan to rev it up a little soon with pix!) If she will help me....:-)

Unknown said...

Full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, and when the three celestial bodies are aligned as close as possible to a straight line. At this time, as seen by viewers on earth, the hemisphere of the moon that is facing the earth (the near side) is fully illuminated by the sun and appears round. sportsbook, Only during a full moon is the opposite hemisphere of the moon, which is not visible from earth (the far side), completely unilluminated. As a lunar month is about 29.531 days long, the full moon falls on either the 14th or 15th of the lunar month in those calendars which start the month on the new moon. In any event, the period between full moons can be either 29 or 30 days.