Friday, August 18, 2006

Core Training Trimama Style!

Now, you can do your core training with a wimpy exercise ball, which by the way can pop and dump you hard on your hiney giving you a bruise that defies sitting for a day or so, (I'll spare you a picture of Trihubby's bruised butt:) or you can core train Trimama style aka Rocky IV-outer Siberia-down home-back to mother nature-training.

I guarantee one will build character as well as muscles.

The Tribe seems to have adapted to my training style, surprisingly there hasn't been any complaining while stacking wood this year, I think the key is to move the wood in small batches, a little each day. In all we will move and stack about 6 face cord as well as cutting up some brush and fallen branches in the back yard. You know you are an athlete when you turn the simple tasks of home into training endevours. I tried to explain this to Bruised Butt, who had incidentally declined my offer of core camp Trimama style, and he laughed when I explained the weight of each log and the equal distribution of exercises left (into wheel barrow) right (stack to pile). Well, at least I can sit down today. Kahuna had a funny post about training with his boys, but I really laughed at the comments which included strength training using your kids, yes, I've curled and benched mine.

If you heard the cosmos re-allign it's because Hyphen Girl turns 13 tomorrow. I'm not so certain teenage girls turn 13. A friend of ours suggested that 13 isn't an age, it's a mental disorder. I'm not sure where that leaves 14. Thirteen seems more like a hybrid of eight and twenty -two. For example, HG (who bestowed the blog name on herself when she was unable to settle on a single name when asked how she wanted to be identified) recently retorted to a younger friend, with much indignation, that she will not be adding to her American Girl doll collection, she has better things to buy, like clothes, duh. So the doll collecting was retired, until we went to Costco and saw the "Girls of the World" porcelin dolls. Now it's all dolls all the time. No, wait, it's all birthday "outfit" all the time. No, it's earrings, no balloons. I can't keep up.

I'm taking HG and Swinging Girl to Iowa for the weekend. The Pigman Half is Sunday, so we are going down Saturday after The Miracle Kids Triathlon. I rented a zippy little car (God, please dont' let me get a speeding ticket, in spite of myself) and we'll head south until Monday. HG and SG are all giggles and plans as they plot out their assault on Cedar Rapids, in particular during the hours of the race. I would be a little more nervous about this except that they are pretty responsible kids, not so much absent minded as goofy. I think we are going to have a lot of fun.

I'm totally psyched for the 70.3, which is a little frightening in and of itself-I should be scared, right? I'm just stoked to race. I haven't raced since June and I'm ready for another go at it. A contingent of my local tri club is going, including some of the girls I normally train with, so we should be able to race together (in a non drafting sort of way). It will be interesting to see where my conditioning level is, and where I need to go to make it to Florida. I think I mentioned this, but the run portion is basically rolling corn fields. I see a PR in my near future if I can't shake the images of Signs and Children of the Corn.

Happy weekend to all, race reports to follow (I'll bring the laptop)


Iron Pol said...

I hope your tri outfit has a nice little pocket in which you can carry all your charge cards. Thirteen year olds alone, with charge cards. Nightmare in the making.

They'll "replace" far more than that popped exercise ball.

:) said...

Have a great race!!!!!!

Good luck.

Fe-lady said...

Have fun at the race! An "all girls" weekend! FUN! I took my daughter and her friend to Disneyland a few years back and we had a blast. I kept up with them going on all the rides, staying up late, and we laughed alot!
And yes....yardwork does make one stronger. I built some great upper body muscles when demolishing an old patio with a sledge hammer! (Great anger therapy too!)
Best of luck-can't wait to hear about your weekend!

Spandex King said...

Good Luck in the race and God help you with the girls. Mine turned 13 in April. A brain disorder summs it up. And it is intesified the more 13 year olds you add to a group.

marz_racer said...

Good luck at Pigman. You will rock it for sure!!! Good luck keeping up with the girls after the race!


Bolder said...

rock that 70.3 TriMama!!!

we'll be cheering for you!!!!!!!

Comm's said...

ah the ole chopping wood program. Love that technique. Is there a wheel barrow involved to more the wood from one place to the next.

Whats really sad is that I have a fireplace and have never used it. In fact its got a board covered in fabric in front of it so Mo doesn't get in it. I haven't even seen inside my fireplace in like two years.

walchka said...

Have a great race on Sunday. I'll see ya down in Iowa. :)

Anonymous said...

you're going to kick some butt this weekend--have fun!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Good luck to you and the girls at your triathlons. Can't wait for the report.

Stay tuned...

(Hope to meet you at IM Fla.)

Trisaratops said...

Happy birthday to Hyphen Girl! And have a great race! :)

Chris said...

Have fun this weekend! I can't make it to Miracle Kids as I'm hosting the in-laws this weekend. But I hope the tribe has a great time at both events!

greyhound said...

Miki says:

"Moveenk Rock, und vood eess goot. Make you . . . TOTAHL . . . Athlete." **grin**

William Lobdell said...

what do you used that firewood for?

you'll ROCK the half.