Saturday, October 21, 2006

Question of the week

You are at the YMCA, happily contemplating your final two mile swim while showering, when your boss comes through the locker room leading a tour of prospective Y members, the tour pauses in the shower room to have a view of the sauna, you:

A) Hug your naked body against the shower wall, praying that no one will notice you behind the skimpy six inch shower curtain.

B) Fling the curtain aside, strike your favorite "muscle" pose and exclaim, you want a bod like this, then join the YMCA!

C) Hopeful of a diversion, you fling your shampoo bottle across the room, then while everyone is distracted by the sound, whisk over to the locker room and hide yourself in a locker.

D) Feel free to add your own

Did you notice I said final two mile swim! Yea baby!


Anonymous said...

D) Start singing that Billy Joel song from a post gone by at the top of your lungs

greyhound said...

E. Calmly go about your naked business just as you do in all of life because you have Ironman confidence. (Oh, and becuase Ironman triathletes are hawt.)

Kewl Nitrox said...

F. Start singing and doing the Y.M.C.A. song actions - might as well go the whole hog.

YIPEE on the final swim!

jbmmommy said...

I'd like to give B a try, I'd probably end up more like A. A couple more years of triathlon training, another 15 pounds down and I might not even close the shower curtain anymore. Just kidding, that's wrong.

Taconite Boy said...

find trihubby and make it really interesting

Fe-lady said...

Congrats on your final two mile swim! Yee hA!
Hope you struck the muscle-pose! :-)

Bolder said...

we don't have curtains.

i would have to try all of the above...

guess, you could always do a Cuba Gooding Jerry MaGuire thing and just turn off the water and stand there confidently air drying!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

G) Snap your boss in the arse with a towel and say, "Next time you're in my haus bring your A-game. Word!"

Stay tuned...

Cliff said...

...oh the ciomments are too hilarious..

I just thought of strut yourself. :)

Kewl and TriBoomer, way too funny

William Lobdell said...

guys don't get those little shower curtains, which wrecks the kahuna's naughty thoughts about women showering in the locker room.

that said, the only correct answer is: strike a pose.

tri-mama said...

I'll do Mrs. Kahuna a favor: the average age of female YMCA members in the shower room is 75 and a bit saggy, and those ladies don't tend to worry too much about the shower curtain.

Iron Pol said...

G. Ask your boss just who the heck is holding down the fort while everyone is screwing around in the locker room?

While in the Navy, my brother one time heard some females in his berthing. Though not forbidden, someone entering a berthing for the opposite gender is to announce they are "on deck." These girls didn't. So, my brother hopped out of his rack and sauntered into the aisle, scratching his crotch. Oh yeah, he sleeps nude and looks like a gorilla. The girls left quite suddenly.