Wednesday, September 28, 2005 la la ....

Current favorite family song: "Bicycle" by Queen. Sorry no link but you can get it at Itunes.

Did you know when boys see "virtually indestructible" on a toy package they take it as a personal challenge?

Can someone please tell me which marketing genius conspired to stamp that on the styrofoam glider we picked up last night?

My house is really clean right now. Funny how 12 or so extra hours in a week can help you catch up on the piles. I rode my bicycle (see now the song is stuck in my head for the duration) to the bank and on a few errands yesterday. I still need to go pick up a few hammer gels and was ready to go this afternoon but Buck Naked Boy got on the bus, broke down crying, got off the bus, went and crawled in my bed and slept for almost 3 hours. Kindergarten can be tough I guess, there is that pressure to learn everything you need to know, and he just needed a nap. This is why this year is just warm up kindergarten for him. Next year he will go to school with the other three and will do kindergarten all over again. Next year's K will be 3 days all day, so it will be like a promotion for him. He wanted to eat lunch at 9:00 this morning because it was raining. For some reason he really wanted to go to school in the rain. No matter how I configured the argument he could not get around the idea that eating lunch does not precipitate the arrival of the bus. 5 year old logic, I eat lunch, I yell that news down the street to the bus driver, and the bus arrives. It's worked everyday for the last 3 weeks, it ought to work today. As the clouds cleared and the rain stopped his frown grew darker. Suddenly I was the arbiter of all weather patterns and it was my fault that the bus did not arrive while it was raining.
I was briefly tempted to soothe his grief with the assurance that I would make a rainy day for him if it were in my power, but somehow that seemed to reinforce the idea that parents can universally deliver the every whim or request of a kid. I'm sorry son, some days it rains and some days it doesn't. So, we sat on the steps and waited for the bus. I told him I was sorry that he couldn't go to school in the rain, but then he declared that I'm not allowed to talk...or sing...or hum...
He didn't want to call for the bus, he just flat out didn't want to go to school. So, he went to bed, and I worked on piles. He woke up in a far more pleasant mood and my house was a little cleaner.



:) said...

Super Mommy indeed...sometimes I just want to crawl into bed for a three hour nap too. I think I would wake up in a better mood!

Kindergarten...ain't it fun? My son has picked up all kinds of "interesting" habits so far this year! /great/

Tracy said...

I can't WAIT for this marathon for you! It's going to be amazing. And dang your kids are cute!

Phil said...

That was a great line - it was a little burried -- but I got it:

Kindergarten can be tough I guess, there is that pressure to learn everything you need to know.

Last year, my wife was all upset about having to pull our son out of kindergarten for 2 days while we went on vacation - "Don't worry" I said, "I'm sure he can get the notes from a friend". (somehow that didn't help)

Nice picture on the bike statue.

Oldman said...

bicycle! bicycle!.... i kinda like that queeen song too.. i gave the best of ablum to my ex-fiance for her bd... but she like the queen song For the Love of A Boy....