But first, I have to say I love my husband for many reasons-but here is today's greatest highlight. We have been planning and discussing who and how for Florida in November. From the start of these discussions he has maintained that he only wants the girls to go because it is beyond difficult to navigate the 140.6 with 4 kids in tow. (can't say that I blame him) That means leaving half The Tribe at home-which is essentially leaving half of my heart at home. In my mind they are all going through the training, through the "mom's not home she is training" through the stress, through the planning, so in my mind they should all go with me through the finish line. I can't invision a happy finish line with the boys missing. However, our budget can't imagine 7 plane tickets (a sitter would be essential) 3 hotel rooms, meals, bike transport, etc. There was just really little chance of making it happen.
"We could drive to Florida. Molly's family drives when they go on vacation" announces Hyphengirl.
That would be tough race prep for Trimama.
We have one free plane ticket right now. We could drive for the cost of perhaps two more tickets. I could fly down Tuesday and Trihubby and The Tribe could drive down, arriving Thursday. Nephew, who is super cool companion to Trihubby could drive with The Tribe. Trimama, who will benefit greatly from sitting for a few days after the race could drive home with The Tribe and let Nephew fly home. All very doable.
You would do that for me?
"I'm doing a lot of things for you this year."
Yes, but none greater than this. Thanks Trihubby.
Now, on to hell.
Curiously, Bucknakedboy has been quite fascinated by the concept of hell and the devil of late. Apparantly there is a little fire and brimstone lad in his kindergarten class who has explained the whole concept to him. Surprisingly, along with the inevitable little "sex talk" I thought I would be the one to first illuminate the underworld for him. Ayudame Dios! They just keep learning these things younger and younger. Such is the nature of our educational system these days; forget snickering about human reproduction in the halls, that would be old school, heaven and hell are the new avant-garde.
"Are we going to hell? I think we are going to hell now."
No, BNB, the helixical descent of the parking ramp is not sending us to hell. At least not today.
"Are you sure, because it looks like hell down there."
Yes, I'm fairly certain that the River Center parking garage is not the gateway to hell, I think they hid that under Macy's.
Even now I'm not so sure he is convinced. He asked me on the way to grandma's house if he would go to hell if the car crashed right now. Note to self: find out who he is sitting by at school and seek to have them expelled. (oh just kidding)
We did manage to escape hades labyrinthe, which curiously had only "1/2" floors on it's elevator 2 1/2, 3 1/2 etc. and found ourselves in 60,000 square feet of convention center space.
I'm going to die right now! I'm in heaven and I'm going to die right now!

We had found our way into 5 year old train lover nirvana. The greatest hobby on earth.
N scale, HO scale, O scale, Thomas, Leggos, you name the train they had it on display.

plus a Thomas play area, plus a real train that we got to ride, plus mini doughnuts. What more could you ask for?

The coolest display in my mind was the 1 million or so leggos used to build a town with working train, underground subway and super goofy "secret windows" throughout. One of the windows had Michael Morre and a film crew at the scene of a toxic waste spill where HAZMAT workers stepped over the skeletal remains of co workers in an attempt to confine the mess. Another hole held an alien invasion in progress. But perhaps the most humor

from Homer himself.
If you are too young to know-rent "Soylent Green" and consume with a six pack of very cheap beer.
1:20 rpe 7 spin yesterday 60 minute run with friend today
Happy Training.