Thursday, July 07, 2005

And to think, she went on to be First Lady

rizzo1, originally uploaded by TRIMAMA.

Marty: What's with you tonight?
Rizzo: I feel like a defective typewriter.
Marty: Huh?
Rizzo: I skipped a period.
Marty: Think you're P.G.?


Tracy said...

HA- this is cute...I saw the news about the rabbit ;) And 3600? Wow, Go you! Can't wait to hear about it!

:) said...


tri-mama said...

Rizzo didn't end her senior year pregnant, and Stockard Channing is now first Lady on West Wing. Rabbits were once used in pregnancy tests, the rabbit was injected and if it died the woman was pregnant. Alas, the rabbit didnt' die....